Saturday, May 25, 2019
Compare and contrast Hamlet vs. Laertes Essay
No two individuals are alike, regardless of like upbringing. It is credible to assume that even twins brought up in ex deportly the same environment, sharing the same daily activities, and living practically the same life, will act differently when faced with the same situation. Each individual evolves with his or her own unique(p)ness, style, and way of life. The audience witnesses this phenomenon in Shakespeares juncture. Lord Hamlet and Laertes experienced similar childhoods, and shared similar family attri stilles. They were both born into royalty and passim their lives were treated as such. Hamlet and Laertes were reared with the same models of schooling, and were taught to abide by the same ethics and morals. Although Hamlet and Laertes seem to be twined with regard to family, royalty, and school, it is evident to the audience how such environmentally similar people can react so differently when faced with equal situations. One such example arises when Hamlet and Laertes are consumed by a very basic human componentistic, that of revenge. Hamlet and Laertes, although very similar in close to respects, differ in that Laertes is driven by passion and Hamlet is driven by reason.Shakespeare exposes to his audience the similarities between Hamlet and Laertes in various instances throughout the play. It is know to the reader that Hamlet and Laertes are both sons of royalty, Hamlet being the son of the former true king of Denmark, King Hamlet, and Laertes being the son of the trusted counseling to the king, Polonius. The reader is able to deduce from the manner of both families, that although they differ, they live very similar lives, and their sons Hamlet and Laertes are quite alike. For example, Hamlet and Laertes have a unique similar respect for their get infra ones skins. In one instance, in Hamlets first soliloquy, he proclaims respect towards his father in saying that he was an tenuous king, like the glorious sun god of classical mythology, an d that he is so winning to his wife, Gertrude.Hamlet So excellent a king, that was to this Hyperion to a satyr, so loving to my mother that he might not beteem the winds of heaven visit her face too roughly. (Shakespeare 14) As well, although Laertes does not know who killed his father, out of respect for him, he sustains he will have his vengeance regardless of what will happen to him in this world or the next. Laertes To this point I stand, that both the worlds I give to negligence,let come what comes, only Ill be revengd most thoroughly for my father. (Shakespeare 118) From here, the audience observes how similarly Hamlet and Laertes each have great respect for their fathers. some other comparison to the seemingly similar manor of Hamlet and Laertes is that of the admirable mutual respect they have for each other, even throughout the twisted murders and losses of their passionateness ones. Hamlet and Laertes are on the verge of fighting a duel, a duel whose final purpose is out of sight from Hamlet. Finally to Hamlets dis may he learns that the hidden purpose of the duel was for Laertes to exact revenge for the death of his father and sister. Yet, all the while Hamlet obliterates his antic disposition and publicly apologizes to Laertes for the deaths of Polonius and his sister, Ophelia. With that Laertes replies he has forgiven Hamlet but in erect to save his honor and the honor of his place he must continue with the duel. Hamlet accepts graciouslyHamletSir, in this audience,Let my disclaiming from a purposd evilFree me so far in your most generous thoughtsThat I have shot my arrow oer the houseAnd hurt my brother.LaertesI am satisfied in nature,Whose motive in this case should stir me mostTo my revenge but in my terms of remarkI stand aloof, and will no reconcilementTill by some elder masters of known honourI have a vocalisation and precedent of peaceTo keep my name ungod. But till that timeI do receive your offerd love like loveAnd will not wrong it.HamletI embrace it freely,And will this brothers wager frankly play.-Give us the foils.(Shakespeare 149)With all the similarities between Hamlet and Laertes displayed throughout the play there is an obvious dissimilarity between them the way they react when they are faced with the uneasy task of revenge. It is evident that Hamlets character and nature, which leads to his action of revenge, is that based on reason, while Laertess form of revenge is that based on passion and impulse.When Hamlets father appeared to him in the form of a ghost claiming the current king, Claudius, Hamlets uncle, had murdered him Hamlet did not heed the information and obtain his revenge right away. Hamlets reaction was that of a wise methodical individual. It took Hamlet some time to convince himself that the ghost truly was a level-headed spirit of his father, relaying truthful words in order that his soul may rest in peace, and even thenHamlet still wanted more proof. Only until Hamlet was certain and had confirmation of Claudiuss guilt was he ready to take action. The reader sees how Hamlet finds his final convincing piece of verification through a conversation Hamlet has with his good friend HoratioHamletThere is a play tonight before the kingOne scene of it comes near the circumstanceWhich I have told thee of my fathers death.I prithee, when thou seest that act afoot,Even with the very comment of thy soulObserve my uncle. If his occulted guiltDo not itself unkennel in one speech,It is a dambed ghost that we have seen,And my imaginations are as foulAs Vulcans stithy, give him heedful noteFor I mine eyes will concentre to his face,And after we will both our judgements joinIn censure of his seeming.(Shakespeare 75)Throughout the scene Hamlet added in the play, which was re-enacting the death of his father, Hamlet and Horatio were able to confirm the truth relayed by ghost of his father and reveal the guilt of Claudius. Up until this point Hamlet was experiencing moral strug gles and doubts. Hamlet wanted to be absolutely certain Claudius was the murderer of his dear father before any more blood was spilt. In order for Hamlet to be absolutely certain it took reason and evidence of Claudiuss guilt to allow himself to avenge his father.Conversely, Laertes did not need the degree of evidence in order to avenge his father and sisters death. Even without knowing the one creditworthy for either, Laertes is quick to promise revenge. Laertes And so have I a noble father lost, a sister driven into desprate terms, whose worth, if praises may go ski binding again, stood challenger on mount of all the age for her perfections. But my revenge will come. (Shakespeare 123) Despite Laertes limited knowledge of what truly happened to his father and sister, he, passionately, is quick to swear revenge regardless of the consequences.Shakespeare has revealed to the audience that the revenge they wish to exact is driven by passion in the case of Laertes and reason in the ca se of Hamlet. Shakespeares approach to this was to reveal to the audience how Hamlet and Laertes were similar. He accomplished this through discussing and illustrating the similarities between family, childhood, and royalty as well as showing the similar discernment and respect they had towards their fathers, seen through Hamlets kind admirable words towards the late King Hamlet, and Laertess hastiness to avenge his fathers death and sisters madness regardless of what he may suffer.Furthermore, Shakespeare expresses the mutual respect between Hamlet and Laertes as seen in the opening of the duel and the exchange of sincere heartfelt words. While Shakespeare made Hamlet and Laertess similarities known to the reader he also illustrated their differences when faced with a difficult situation. Shakespeare was able to do this through expressing to the reader how Hamlet was able to control his underlying urge of revenge through rational, and Laertess uncontrollable desire to avenge moti vated by passion and love.With life comes experience. Every moment one lives, is a lesson, a lesson on how to act and react in every situation. Individuals can be reared with similar parenting, family and school environment, and still react quite differently under the same set of circumstances. When one is faced with a situation so extreme as avenging a loved ones death, it is impossible and wrong to say that some other would have done the same in that situation. The challenges of life are what guide one to the next level no two challenges are ever the same, no matter how similar they may be.
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